Here is this week’s newsletter. It should have all you need to know about what’s happening amongst us. And a quick look should mean you are updated each week.
Coming Up
Our Sunday Gatherings
We want to invite you to pray together before the service. From 11am there will be chance to gather together in the small room at the front of the church. It would be great if you could be there.
What will be happening on Sundays in October
Each week we give slightly more time to one aspect of our life together. This is what is happening over the next few weeks.
Next Sunday (Sunday 31 October): More time to worship together
Sunday 7 November: Communion
Sunday 14 November: Joint Service with St James at 10.30
Sunday 21 November: Sharing Our Stories
This Thursday: Home Groups at 7.30pm
There are 2 online groups and 2 in person groups. If you would like to connect with one of these please contact Neil.
NEW: New Midweek Small Group to Start
Judith and Colin will be leading a new housegroup that will be hosted in their home in Boothstown. If you have never been part of a group but would like to join a sparkly new one, this is your chance. Please connect with them or talk to Neil for more details.
Midweek Small Groups
We have 4 midweek groups that meet on Thursday evenings. Two are in-person, two are online.
The Crafty Crew meet on Tuesday afternoons in The Vine to catch up with one another, and to engage in some sort of craft if they want to. I believe that just chatting is acceptable!
On Wednesday mornings in The Vine there will be a Prayer Meeting starting soon.
There is also a group of Young Adults who meet regularly.
As you can see all these groups are different, with slightly different emphases.
But in general they all exist to do three things:
- To help us pay careful attention to one another,
- To help us to be alert to what God is doing so that
- We can be good news to those around us.
You might want to start a group that does that. It might be a group that meets together regularly and shares a meal together. It might be a group that does something together – walking, fixing stuff, playing a sport – whatever. It doesn’t matter – as long as you can cover those three basic principles.
If you are interested in chatting about this, then please talk with Neil.
NEW: Tear Fund Big Quiz (Wednesday 24 November at St. James)
St. James are inviting us to bring some teams along. Each team will have 4-5 people, and will cost £5 per person. Finds go towards Tear Fund’s work around the world. You might have a team that you know will rock this quiz or you might want to belong to one. Either way let Neil know.
Creating a ‘One Stop Info Spot’
We have realised that we need an easy, one-stop place where you can get all the information you need – whether it is about house groups, giving, children’s work, how to sign up for events, or how to get the key for the toilet etc etc. It will be manned for about 15 mins before services and for about 20 mins after services.
Nina Waite is going to head this up, and she needs around 4 or 5 others to do it with her. So if you have a nice smile, like chatting to people, know what is going on (or who to ask if you don’t) and would be willing to do this once a month or so, could you let her or Neil know. Thanks
How we can Support One Another
We are a church that wants to be a place where relationships are formed that will ensure you will have people around you who will be able to support you on the hard days.
But there is more.
One of the things we want to be true is that every week there will be a chance for you to be prayed with individually if that would help. At the end of each service there will be chance for you to have an unhurried time of prayer in the side chapel.
Hannah Maylor is heading up this team of people. You may have engaged in this ministry in the past and want to continue, or you might want to begin to do this with us. Please talk with Hannah and she will include you in the rota so that you will know when you will be ministering in this way.
Another way we can help is through the ministry of the Community Counselling Service. Headed by Judith Thompson, this counselling ministry offers you the space to explore what is happening in your own life at this time. Anyone can access this ministry and there is no cost. If you feel you would benefit from this please don’t hesitate to contact Judith, Neil, or Ian or fill in the form on the church website.
Looking Ahead
This is a really early notice to say that on Sunday 14 November we will have a shared service together with St James’ congregation.
It will happen at 10.30am. It is Remembrance Sunday and we will be marking that together. It will be our first joint service and we are delighted that we can do this.
We will remind you over the weeks, this is just an early ‘heads up!’
‘Getting to Know You’ Lunch
On Sunday 14th November, after the service there will be a lunch for all those who have joined with us over the last year. We would love you to stay and to meet some of the leaders, hear a little about our church, and find out how you can be involved in the life of the church. We are hoping that this will take place in the Vine Community Hub, but we will keep you informed. Please let Neil or Ian know if you are able to come along.
5 a side football
Over the years, a few of us have got together for an hour to play football and we have recently started this up again on a Monday night (usually 6-7pm or 7-8pm, depending on when can get book a pitch). It’s not super-competitive (some of us remember when we could be!) but it’s good fun and an easy place to invite friends and family who are not part of our church. If you are interested in playing or know anyone who might be, speak to Ian.
Worship and Climate Change Crisis – Night of Worship
While the COP26 Climate Summit is happening, there will be a chance to worship and pray with other Christians in Salford.
On Saturday 6th November there will be a night of worship at St Thomas’ Church, Salford led by Resound Worship, whose unique album ‘Doxecology’ focuses on creation, ecology, climate crisis and Christian hope.
The concert, which coincides with the COP 26 climate talks, will include songs of worship from the Doxecoloy album, prayers and a speaker from Christian environmental group A Rocha. The performance will celebrate the wonder of creation, acknowledge our failures, and anticipate of a glorious restoration in Christ.
Resound Worship are a song writing collective, with writers drawn from local churches throughout England. Neil has worked closely with these folks in the past and recommends them highly!
Doors open at 6:45pm for a 7.30pm start – the concert will finish around 9.30pm. Refreshment are available before and during a break.
Donation / retiring collection and profits from refreshments will go towards supporting the climate justice work of work Christian Aid.
TICKETS ARE FREE – but we require booking via Eventbrite in advance to control numbers.
Bang that Drum!
We have been told that there are some musical instruments that are being sold by Access Music, a musical therapy group. They have been priced by Drum One (a music shop) as follows, though there is room for negotiation:
Yamaha electric drum kit DTLK9: £200
2 Bongos and Stand: £80
Dejemba: £80
Beat Box: £80
Turtle Blocks: £30
Small bongos: £50
Christmas is coming! See Neil if you are interested and he will connect you with the sellers.