St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know – Our Latest News (5th July 2021)

Here is your start-of-the-week newsletter. It should have all you need to know about what’s happening amongst us. And a quick look should mean you are updated each week.

Coming Up

Our Sunday Gatherings

We want to invite you to pray together before the service. From 11am there will be chance to gather together in the small room at the front of the church. It would be great if you could be there.

If you can’t be with us onsite 11.30am at St James, you can also join us online at, including a live chat so that you can be part of our service and interact with us live.

After each service there will be chance to be prayed with personally in the side chapel. If you have been part of the prayer team, or would like to pray with people, let Neil know.

What will be happening on Sundays in July

Sunday 11 July: A fantastic Baptismal service
Sunday 18 July: Interview with Ian and Morag. They have been with us for 10 years. That’s worth celebrating.
Sunday 25 July: Prayer & Ministry – a chance for us to have more time to offer prayer to those needing God to act.

A full programe of children’s activities and service has begun again

Thanks to all of you who came last Saturday to prepare the minor hall for children’s work to begin again.

Next Sunday (11 July)

This is the day we will be baptising folks. If you have been waiting for this moment or are wondering if this is the next step for you in your discipleship journey, please talk with Neil.

Car Parking

A quick reminder that there is a small car park onsite at St James, but if you find this is full you can also park on Lancaster Road (do check the signs, but the single yellow lines there aren’t in force on a Sunday). If you’d prefer to park in a car park than on a road, you can also pay to use the hospital one round the corner on Stott Lane if the church’s car park is full.

Getting Involved in the New Phase of Church

Now that we have moved back to onsite worship there are lots of opportunities to be involved in the ministry of the church.

You might be wondering where you fit into the church after all this time of scattered worship. You might wonder where your gifts and passions fit in. Or you might just want to know how you can serve generally.

Please talk to us – we want to help you feel confident in knowing how your gifts can be a blessing to us all.

Going forward, we will need help to form these teams:

Welcome Team – see Judith and Colin
Prayer Team – if you are willing to pray with others, see Neil
Worship Band – see Ian
Readers – see Neil
Operating the PA System – see Jay
Operating the Streaming Computer – (we will show you how) – see Steve
Operating EasyWorship to project words – see Ian
Cleaning Team – this is a team that will be willing to clean the church and hall once a month. See Neil

And if you’re not sure who these people are:

An Offer of Counselling Support

One of the ministries we have as a church is the Community Counselling Service. During this Covid crisis we have continued to offer Counselling remotely via zoom or telephone. There are however, limitations with remote sessions.

We are now offering Walk And Talk Counselling to anyone from church who would benefit from counselling or those known to church members. We would agree a time to meet at the Tea Kiosk in Lightoaks Park and would walk at a slow pace for the 50 minute session.

If you feel you would benefit from this please don’t hesitate to contact Judith Thompson, Neil, or Ian or fill in the form on the church website.

Looking for Help

Yvonne and Martin run a food-poverty programme, Salford Food Parcels. They would be grateful if there are any of you available to deliver parcels to people who are unable to get to their offices on Langworthy Road. Please contact them if you are able to help.

Midweek Gatherings

1. This Thursday: All Church Prayer

This is our chance to pray together. Some feel very confident at prayer, others feel like beginners. All are welcome. There is space for you. It’s an online meeting. The link is here:

2. Prayer Meeting: Friday at 10.30-12.00 on Whats App

Contact Corinne Baines or Gill Oldham and they’ll make sure you are able to connect.

3. Young Adults group (18-25-ish!)

If you fall into this age band and want to connect with others, you will be really welcome to turn up at these events:

For more details contact Alex and Andrew

On Friday 9th July, 7:30pm: Garden Gathering (Alex and Andrew’s house in Salford)
Saturday 17th July, 1pm: Picnic in the park (Location TBC)

4. The Vine Community Hub

We’ve been opened a couple of weeks now and have been really encouraged by the numbers of people who have dropped in. This is a space for us all to use – if you want to meet together, or you would be willing to volunteer, or if there are groups you want to be a part of. There is a full outline of what is happening in the Vine on the church’s calendar on our website.

At the moment it is open Monday-Friday from 10.00 – 2.30. It’s a place to have a drink, meet people, and have a chat. There will always be someone there that you can chat with, so feel free to just drop in.

If in doubt

All the links to the meetings are in Church Suite and on the events calendar section of our church website.

You’re not alone

If you need help and don’t know where to turn, you are always welcome to contact Neil on 07771 558058.

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