St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know – Our Latest News (15th November 2021)

Here is your start-of-the-week newsletter. It should have all you need to know about what’s happening amongst us. And a quick look should mean you are updated each week.

What’s Happening on Sundays in November

We want to invite you to pray together before the service. From 11am there will be chance to gather together in the small chapel area in the side aisle in the church. It would be great if you could be there.

Sunday 21 November: Sharing Our Stories

Sunday 28 November: Time to Reflect on the Sermon

What’s Happening this week

Tuesday 16 November

10am: Art Group

On Tuesday Janet will be starting a new art group that will be held in The Vine from 10am. Chat to her if you would like more info.

The Crafty Crew Gang will be meeting in the Vine Community Hub from 1pm – 2.30pm. If you’d like to turn up earlier and bring your own lunch, then come from 12.

Wednesday 17 November

12.15pm: Funeral of Freda Cunliffe

Freda’s funeral will be this Wednesday 17 November at Holy Angels Church, Moorfield Road, Salford M6 7EY. That will be followed by a short committal service at Agecroft Crematorium at 1.40pm.

7.30pm: Young Adults Group – There is More

A Bible discussion group focussing on God’s plans for us as people and a church, exploring the endless possibilities he has for our lives.

Contact Andrew or Alex for address.

Thursday 18 November

7.30pm Church Prayer Meeting:  Online

This is a chance to prayer for things that we want to se change – in us, for those we love and for our country and world.


Friday 19 November

11.00-1.00: Church Cleaning Team

We are really grateful to the team who come in and clean the church once a month. If you can help them, please come along this Friday.

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 24 November

10.30-12.00: Prayer Group

We begin meeting again in person in The Vine Community Hub. You will be very welcome to join them.

7.30pm: The Tear Fund Big Quiz: at St Johns, Bolton Rd, Pendlebury, Manchester M27 8XS

St James are inviting us to bring some teams along. Each team will have 4-5 people, and will cost £5 per person. Finds go towards Tear Fund’s work around the world. You might have a team that you know will rock this quiz or you might want to belong to one. Either way let Neil know.

Saturday 27th November

9-11am: Ladies prayer breakfast at The Vine Community Hub 87-89 Cholmondeley Road M6 8PU

Thank you to those who came to our first ladies’ prayer breakfast back in September. I believe it was a resounding success, well Jo’s amazing pancakes definitely were!

So I’d like you to invite all the ladies to the next prayer breakfast hopefully of many more to come. For those who couldn’t make it last time this is an invitation to meet together as the women, feminine heartbeat of Salford Elim to eat together, share our stories, encourage and support each other and pray.

All prayer levels welcome and all those simply intrigued welcome too. Cereal, toast, pastries and perhaps pancakes will be provided but feel free to bring your own breakfast if preferred.

Sign up on the Info Table, or contact Kate Blundell 07805 069033 or Jumi Isibor 07703 028936 for more details and to let us know you’re coming.

Thursday 2 December

2-3.30pm: Christmas Themed Afternoon Tea.

You’re invited to come along to this afternoon tea, and bring friends that you know would love it. The afternoon will include live music by Heather Kass.

There will be a £3 minimum donation.

Tickets are required in advance and are available at the church information point on Sunday mornings or contact Judith.

Friday 3 December

Play and Stay Begins again!

Play and Stay is starting again. There will be two sessions every Friday. One from 10.00 am – 12.00, and one from 1.30-3.30pm.  If you would like to be involved as a helper, please talk to Judith or Colin. If you have little ones, please come along.

Saturday 11 December

Christmas at The Vine

In the afternoon from 2.00 – 4.00 there will be a Family Fun Christmas Time. There will be games, food, crafts and all the fun you would expect at Christmas.

In the evening from 7.30-9.30 there will be an evening of songs, quiz, mince pies and mulled wine.

Sunday 19 December

4.30pm: Carol Service

There will be traditional carols, a sprinkling of newer ones, readings, a brass band, candles. All you would want in a carol service. Invite family and friends to join you.

There will be NO Morning service that day.

Christmas Day: 10.30am

It’s our traditional gathering – ask your children to bring some of their presents, come ready to worship in a relaxed environment as we get Christmas off to the best start.

There will be NO service on Boxing Day

How we Support One Another

We are a church that wants to be a place where relationships are formed that will ensure you will have people around you who will be able to support you on the hard days.

But there is more.

One of the things we want to be true is that every week there will be a chance for you to be prayed with individually if that would help. At the end of each service there will be chance for you to have an unhurried time of prayer in the side chapel.

Another way we can help is through the ministry of the Community Counselling Service. Headed by Judith Thompson, this counselling ministry offers you the space to explore what is happening in your own life at this time. Anyone can access this ministry and there is no cost. If you feel you would benefit from this please don’t hesitate to contact Judith, Neil, or Ian or fill in the form on the church website.

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