St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (October 2024)

Welcome to the newsletter for September.

There is an early U2 song called October: 

‘October and the trees are stripped bare

Of all they wear

What do I care?

​October and Kingdoms rise

And Kingdoms fall

But you go on

And on…’

When there are so many fragile situations around the world, it’s good to remind ourselves that the Kingdom of God cannot be shaken. We can take strength and courage from that truth. 

Here are some of the things that are happening in this autumn month:

An Early Start! 10:30am and No Stream Service

Sunday 6th October • 10:30am • Church

Twice a year we have joint Sunday services with St James. In the past, one of those has been Remembrance Sunday, but we have decided to change that this year to a joint all-age service around harvest time. Come along – but come early – and get home early!

Because the children will be in with us for the whole service, we won’t be streaming this service.

Mens Brunch

Saturday 12th October • The Vine

There is another brunch being organised for the men. If you’ve not been before, it’s very casual – lots of times to chat, a chance to listen to a couple of the guys share something of their story and more bacon and sausages than we can ever get through. A donation of £5 is always welcome. 

There will be one more before Christmas – on Saturday 23rd November.

Young People and Adults For All!

Wednesday 16th October • 7:30 • Church

Every other week the older teens and young adults meet in their own group (Breathe). On Wednesday 16th October at 7.30 in the church they are going to be leading a service together to which all the church are invited. It’s a chance to be really supportive of this significant section of our church. It would be great if you could come along and join in.

Barn Dance

Saturday 19th October 7:30pm St James

This is being organised by St James, but they would us to be able to attend and give it our best moves! It’s good fun for all ages, and children will be really welcome. 

The tickets are £8 for adults and £5 for children. 

Take It To The Streets!

Saturday 16th November 10:30am – 12:30pm Salford Precinct

On Saturday the 16th of November, 10am-12.30pm, we will go to Salford Precinct again to preach the gospel, worship, hand out bible tracts and have conversations with passers-by. The last few times have been encouraging. If you would like to join us or want more information, see Ian.

No Church Service – Sunday 29th December

As usual, we don’t meet on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year to give staff and volunteers the opportunity to take a week off, as well as it being a time when many are visiting family and friends.

Dates for The Diaries

These are some of the things that are coming down the line:

Sunday 17th November
James Glass, the Regional Leader will be with us again for the morning service

Saturday 23rd November 10.00-11.30
Men’s Brunch at The Vine

Sunday 15th December
Children’s Nativity as part of Morning Service
​6:00-7.00pm – Traditional Candlelit Carol Service 

Sunday 9th February 2025
Rev Mark Pugh, Elim’s General Superintendent will be with us

Saturday 28th June 2025
Summer Hog Roast

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