St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (July/August 2022)

This is our newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about. All our regular events are on our calendar.

Summer is Here – We hope the living is easy.

Whatever your summer involves, we hope it will give you time to catch your breath, sit in the sun and recharge your batteries.

We won’t be sending out a newsletter in August, so the news will stretch over the next couple of months.

This might help you get into the mood…

Prayer and Prophecy evening

On Thursday 7 July at 7.30pm in The Vine there will be the monthly Prayer and Prophecy evening. These are always such encouraging times to be together. Join us as we take time to be in Jesus’ presence together.


There will be housegroups on 14 and 28 July. In August, check with your own group leaders – some groups might meet, some might take the chance to have a break. The first Housegroup evening back will be Thursday 8 Sept.

NEW GROUP STARTING: Led by Jumi and Emmanuel, it will be on a Tuesday evening. So for those of you that have never been able to make a Thursday, or haven’t yet connected to a group – Tuesday 6 September is your day! Talk with them or Neil if you would like to join this new group.

Open Mic Night

Friday 22 July • 7.30pm-9.30pm • The Vine Community Hub

Join us for another night of relaxed musical entertainment and general merriment.

Got talent? Come and share it with us!

Soft drinks and brews will be available or you can bring your own bottle.

Messy Church

The next Messy Church gathering is at St Johns, Pendlebury on Saturday 23 July. Join them at 2pm for crafts, worship, fun and food for all the family. Come and see!


Criccieth pathfinder will be running the August, for the first time since 2019 and we’d really like to thank everyone at church for their on going support for our camp and young people – be it prayers, words or encourage and generous donations.

We’ve got a number of young people from Salford Elim booked on and looking forward to the holiday in just a few short weeks as well as others from all over the country. We currently have 40 young people attending – and we do still have some spaces left so if you know of any young people who might like to come aged 11-17 please encourage them or chat to Alex or Andrew about it. 

As we’ve had a long break, the work load to set up running again has increased for this year, and the site needs extra work to make it safe and ready for the campers arrival. 

If you are able to help with either setting up (5-8 August) or help with taking down the site (17-19 August), we need as much help with that as possible. 

We, as ever, hope this is a safe, fruitful and enjoyable experience for all our campers and young people, and look forward to spending more time with them as they get to know more about their faiths, and your prayers during this time are always welcome. 

All In It Together Work Day

Saturday 3 September • 10am onwards

On this Saturday we would love as many of you as possible to come to work together – getting The Vine ready for the new term of events – cleaning, fixing, painting and in church to clear weeds, clean the buildings. It would be great to spend time together shoulder to shoulder getting our hands dirty. There will be work for everyone. So come to the Vine from 10 and give us whatever time you have.

The Back Together Picnic

Sunday 4 September

After church on 4 September we will have an after-the-service picnic together – hopefully in Buile Hill Park – surely it won’t rain again! Come with butties and games etc.

The Alpha Course

Starts Tuesday 6 September • 7.30pm-9pm • The Vine Community Hub

A chance to think about and discuss the big questions of life and faith in a relaxed, non-judgemental environment over 12 sessions.  Speak to Ian if you are interested or have any questions. More information can also be found on our Alpha page.

Have you been baptised?

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20

Jesus was baptised as an adult and commanded his followers to baptise all who wanted to follow him. If you have made a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus but haven’t yet been baptised, we would love to get you dunked! Speak to Neil or Ian for more details. 

Books that might be good for Summer

There are a couple of books that Neil has enjoyed reading recently. One on the Sermon on the mount written in a really accessible style, easy to follow with pictures! It’s by Skye Jethani, What If Jesus Was Serious?: A Visual Guide to the Teachings of Jesus We Love to Ignore.

The other was a slower, deeper dive into the Gospel of John. It helped me see things I hadn’t seen before and remind me how much Jesus calls us into a life of abundance. It’s by David Ford, The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary. It’s not cheap but if you read it slowly it will last a long time!

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