St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (January 2025)

Welcome to the newsletter for January.

Well, we are a quarter way through the century! Happy New Year, we hope that you’ve had a peaceful Christmas. This is what’s coming up in January and beyond.

Creche Volunteers

We are currently very short on volunteers for Crèche. Please think about if a week once a month helping with the youngest members of our congregation is for you and see Morag for more details/to sign up. 

Kid’s Church 

Hi All, just a reminder to please fill out a general consent form for all children you are responsible for bringing to church. They are on the website, please speak to Morag if you can’t find it. 

Please also return any Pen Portraits you have taken and filled in. 

Worshipping Together

Thursday 2nd January • 7:30pm • The Vine

there will be a Worship evening on the 2nd of January. Loads of you came to the first one we held in November. It’ll be a great way to prepare ourselves for all that 2025 will bring us.

On Thursday 9th February, there will be a Prayer Evening at 7.30pm.

Sermon series in January and February

Continuing our wider series on the core beliefs of the Elim churches, we will be looking at healing. We will cover why Jesus healed people, and what the early church were taught to do in times of sickness. We will explore what it means to be a healthy and health-giving church community, and how we make sense of suffering and how e can help one another in these times.


For those of you in housegroups, they will be on the 7th, 9th, 21st and 23rd of January. If you want to connect with one of these groups that meet to reflect on the sermons and pray for one another, then talk with Neil, Ian or Sarah. 

There will be a new daytime group led by Sarah starting on Friday 10th January at 1pm in The Vine. Contact Sarah if you would like to come along.

Mark Pugh (Elim’s GeneralcSuperintendant) visit

Saturday 8th January – Sunday 9th January

On Saturday 8th February, he will be speaking at an Encounter Evening at The Lighthouse Church, Unit 12, Centenary Park, 12 Coronet Way, Eccles, Salford M50 1RE. This is an evening when folks from Elim churches in the area will be invited to gather together.

On Sunday 9th February, he will be speaking at our church. It’d be great if you could make plans to ensure you are with us that Sunday.

This is a short introduction to Mark.

Growing Together

Sunday 12th January • 9:30am • The Vine

There will be a before-service brunch served for any who would like to come along. It’s a chance to spend some relaxed time with one another, get to know some new folks and have something to eat before the service begins!

Open Mic Night

Friday 31st January • The Vine

No matter what your talent might be, there’s a chance to bring it to an appreciative public audience at this Open Mic Night. See Ian if you want to be involved. Otherwise, come along and watch the gifts others have.

321 Course

Starts Tuesday 21st January • 7:30pm – 9pm • The Vine

Do you, or anyone you know,  have questions about God, the world and the meaning of life? 

Explore life according to Jesus in 4 interactive weekly sessions @ The Vine Community Hub, 87-89 Cholmondeley Road, Salford, M6 8PU. Starts Tuesday January 21st, 7.30-9pm. See Ian for more details. 

Church Day Away

Saturday 21st June (2025) • Barnstondale Centre

We listened to what you said about our annual day away – and we are changing the date we go to Saturday 21st June (it will be definitely lighter and hopefully warmer). We will go back to Barnstondale Centre, Wirral and will change the order of the day slightly. We would love you to be with us. Please put the date in the diary.

The Hog Roast, our other major summer annual event has been moved to Saturday 13th September. Maybe it won’t rain in September!

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