St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (January 2022)

This is our monthly newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about. All the regular events are on our calendar.

Praise and Prophecy Evening

Thursday 6 January: 7.30pm

Because of the uncertainty around COVID we will hold this evening online this month:

We pray every other week together. On Wednesdays 10.30-12.00, there is a prayer group that meet in The Vine. You would be very welcome to join in.

Alpha Online

Starts Monday 10 January

We will have another Alpha Course starting again on Monday 10 January. This will be an online course, so if you have friends or family who are not in Salford, they can still join in. For any who are still a bit confused and would love the chance to talk about the Christian faith, this is a great way of finding your feet.

You can find out more and sign up here.

A Fresh Start to Grow

What we know is that growing as a Christian doesn’t happen just by drifting along. What you need are other people who are committed to you, praying for you, challenging you sometimes, encouraging you always. We do this for one another.

One of the ways we do this is by meeting every other week in home groups.

There are 5 Thursday evening groups

  • 2 are online: Ian’s group and Neil’s group
  • 3 are in person: Charlie’s, Julian’s and Judith & Colin’s.

If you would like to join one of these groups, or start a new one yourself then please talk with Neil.

The other thing we know you need is a personal rhythm of prayer and reading the Bible. There are any number of resources available. We would recommend these:

The Bible in One Year: This is a scheme that takes you through the whole Bible in one year. It takes about 25 mins per day. And if you miss a day, don’t worry, just go on with the next. You can get all the details here:

Lectio 365: This is an app that helps you pray and read. You can listen if you prefer that to reading. Many of us have used it and found it really helpful.

If you prefer to learn by watching as well as reading, this might help:

How we Support One Another

We are a church that wants to be a place where relationships are formed that will ensure you will have people around you who will be able to support you on the hard days.

But there is more.

One of the things we want to be true is that every week there will be a chance for you to be prayed with individually if that would help. At the end of each service there will be chance for you to have an unhurried time of prayer in the side chapel.

Another way we can help is through the ministry of the Community Counselling Service. Headed by Judith Thompson, this counselling ministry offers you the space to explore what is happening in your own life at this time. Anyone can access this ministry and there is no cost. If you feel you would benefit from this please don’t hesitate to contact Judith, Neil, or Ian or fill in the form on the church website.


Thanks to all of you who give regularly as part of your spiritual disciplines. We have taken on more responsibilities this year which will take more money, so your support is valued.There are a number of ways you can give:

  1. Set up a standing order
    Our bank details are:
    Account Name: EFGA Salford Elim
    Sort Code: 60-05-16
    Account Number: 18523781
  2. Use the Givt app. This is a simple way of giving through your phone. Go here to get the app:
  3. Put cash in the basket in church as part of your worship.

However you give: this is important. If you pay tax, tell us and we can make sure you sign a Gift Aid form. That way the government give us the tax back. It increases your gift by 20% without any extra cost to you!

Go to the Info Point and ask for a Gift Aid form.

A Visitor

From 10 January to 3 April, we will have a visitor with us as a church. His name is Ben Law. He is an Assistant Minister of the Manchester Chinese Christian Church and leads the English speaking section of that church. Neil has known him for quite a few years and has spoken at a number of different events for his church.

Ben is coming to shadow Neil and Ian in their various tasks as he gets to know a church with a very different culture. He will turn up at different events, and may ask some of you to join him for coffee from time to time. We know you will make him feel very much at home.

This is a short bio to give you a sense of who he is:

Ben was born and raised in a Christian family in Bradford, UK and grew up attending the local Chinese Church. At the age of 12, Ben made the decision to follow Jesus and has not looked back since. He studied Chemistry at university and worked as a science teacher for four years before accepting God’s call to go into full-time ministry. Ben has attended MCCC since 2016, following in his mother’s and grandmother’s footsteps in being an active member of the church. He is passionate about seeing peoples’ lives being transformed by the grace and love of God and helping people grow in their faith and knowledge of Him. Ben is currently studying an MA in theology at Nazarene Theological College which he hopes to complete in 2022.

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