St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (February 2022)

This is our monthly newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about. All the regular events are on our calendar.

Midweek Rhythms

All the regular events are on the church calendar, here:

The rhythm for midweek small groups and prayer is this:

  • First Thursday of the month 7.30pm:  Praise and Prophecy Evening in The Vine
  • Second Thursday: Home groups
  • Third Thursday: Online Prayer Meeting
  • Fourth Thursday: Home Groups

There is also a prayer meeting on Wednesdays 10.30-12.00, there is a prayer group that meet in The Vine. You would be very welcome to join in.

If you would like to join one of the homegroups, or start a new one yourself then please talk with Neil.

The Vine

We have a full programme happening every week in the Vine. You can see the timetable at a glance here, and all the events are on the Vine’s calendar there too.

Family Gatherings

Each month there will be a get together on Saturdays, especially for those with families. On Saturday 12 February in the Vine at 2pm there will be the film Luca – come along with children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. It’s for all the families.

How we Support One Another

We are a church that wants to be a place where relationships are formed that will ensure you will have people around you who will be able to support you on the hard days.

But there is more.

Every week there is e a chance for you to be prayed with individually if that would help. At the end of each service there will be chance for you to have an unhurried time of prayer in the side chapel.

If you are sick and would want to be prayed with, then contact Neil and he will make sure that someone will pray for you – in your home if you can’t get out.

If you are spiritually stuck, or going through dark times, again contact Neil and he will ask people who are experienced in praying at times like these will come alongside you.

Sometimes you need to talk things out in order to understand what is really happening to you. At these times you will find the ministry of the Community Counselling Service helpful. Headed by Judith Thompson, this counselling ministry offers you the space to explore what is happening in your own life at this time. Anyone can access this ministry and there is no cost. If you feel you would benefit from this please don’t hesitate to contact Judith, Neil, or Ian or fill in the form on the church website.


Thanks to all of you who give regularly as part of your spiritual disciplines. We have taken on more responsibilities this year which will take more money, so your support is valued.There are a number of ways you can give:

  1. Set up a standing order
    Our bank details are:
    Account Name: EFGA Salford Elim
    Sort Code: 60-05-16
    Account Number: 18523781
  2. Use the Givt app. This is a simple way of giving through your phone. Go here to get the app:
  3. Put cash in the basket in church as part of your worship.

However you give: this is important. If you pay tax, tell us and we can make sure you sign a Gift Aid form. That way the government give us the tax back. It increases your gift by 20% without any extra cost to you!

Go to the Info Point and ask for a Gift Aid form.

Can You help us?

1. Safeguarding Adults

Do you have experience of overseeing safeguarding for adults? We need some help to develop this side of our life together in church. If this is you, could you talk with Neil please?

2. Garden Maintenance

The good folks at St James have asked if we could help them to maintain the gardens around the church. If you have some time you could give us to do this, could you contact Charlie Blundell?

3. Phil’s Dustbusting Team

Phil Lockett leads the cleaning team. Once a month we give the church a good clean and once a month we do the same for the Vine. If this is a way you could help the whole church, please get in touch with him.

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