St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

What You Need To Know (December 2024)

Welcome to the newsletter for December.

Christmas is coming and there’s a range of events coming up. Some are designed to help us celebrate together, others will help us get to know one another better, and some will give us opportunities to share the good news of Christmas with people around us. We hope you can join in as soon as you can.

Creche Volunteers

We are currently very short on volunteers for Crèche. Please think about if a week once a month helping with the youngest members of our congregation is for you and see Morag for more details/to sign up. 

Kid’s Church 

Hi All, just a reminder to please fill out a general consent form for all children you are responsible for bringing to church. They are on the website, please speak to Morag if you can’t find it. 

Please also return any Pen Portraits you have taken and filled in. 

Building Relationships

Sunday 1st December • 9:30am – 11:00am • The Vine

There is a chance for the women and girls in the church to meet up for brunch at The Vine before the morning service. If you haven’t signed up with Sarah yet, please let her know that you can come and she will make sure that there is enough food for everyone!

On Friday 6th December from 7pm, there’s a chance for the men to get together over a curry at The Vine. If you haven’t let Neil know yet, please do so and he will make sure you get a menu! 

Celebrating Together

Wednesday 11th December • 7:30pm • Church

The Young Adults will be leading another worship service that they would want to invite you to be present at – taking place at church.

Candlelit Carol Service

Sunday 15th December • 6pm • Church

There will be a traditional candlelit carol service taking place at church on the 15th of December, at 6pm. It’s a great service to invite friends and family to come to.

In the morning service that day, there will be a children’s nativity presentation as part of the service.

We will meet on Sunday 22nd December as usual at 11:30am.

On Christmas Morning from 10:30am-11:30am, we will worship the birth of King Jesus.

There will be NO service on Sunday 29th December.

On Thursday 2nd January at 7:30pm in The Vine, there will be a Worship evening. Loads of you came to the first one we held in November. It’ll be a great way to prepare ourselves for all that 2025 will bring us.

Telling Others The Good News – Carol Singing

Sunday1st December • 2:30pm – 3:30pm Outside The Lowry

Join folks from other churches as we sing carols to all the folks mingling around the Christmas markets and share the good news (and chocolates) with them. As many as possible, please.

Carol Singing At Salford Royal

Tuesday 10th December • 7pm – 8pm • Salford Royal Hospital

We will need 8 singers willing to come with us to Salford Royal Hospital to sing carols between 7pm and 8pm. See Ian if you’re interested.

Looking Ahead

Developing the Next Generation of Salford Elim

You might have been in the services when we spoke about the changes that will happen in the children’s and Youth/Young adults work from summer 2025. Morag, Andrew & Alex are all stepping down from their roles which means we are looking for a person/people to carry on and develop their great work.

We will be offering more hours so that more groups can be provided for all ages and so that the work that happens amongst this section of church can grow and develop. 

Please pray that we find the right person/people. And if you know someone who might be interested, when the details come out via social media, please pass them on.

321 Course

Starts Tuesday 21st January • 7:30pm – 9pm • The Vine

Do you, or anyone you know,  have questions about God, the world and the meaning of life? 

Explore life according to Jesus in 4 interactive weekly sessions @ The Vine Community Hub, 87-89 Cholmondeley Road, Salford, M6 8PU. Starts Tuesday January 21st, 7.30-9pm. See Ian for more details. 

Church Day Away

Saturday 21st June (2025) • Barnstondale Centre

We listened to what you said about our annual day away – and we are changing the date we go to Saturday 21st June (it will be definitely lighter and hopefully warmer). We will go back to Barnstondale Centre, Wirral and will change the order of the day slightly. We would love you to be with us. Please put the date in the diary.

The Hog Roast, our other major summer annual event has been moved to Saturday 13th September. Maybe it won’t rain in September!

Finally a prayer about the love that God has for us.

Lord my God, when your love spilled over into creation You thought of me. I am from love, of love, for love.

Let my heart, O God, always recognize, cherish, and enjoy Your goodness in all of creation.

Direct all that is me toward Your praise. Teach me reverence for every person, all things. Energize me in your service.

Lord God may nothing ever distract me from your love…neither health nor sickness, wealth nor poverty, honour nor dishonour, long life nor short life. 

May I never seek nor choose to be other than You intend or wish. 


Sister Marie Schwan.

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