Praying With Authority
What does it mean to live well and to pray well, when things are not so great? What can we learn from Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church about praying with authority?
How should we pray during anxious days? We need to be joyful and gentle, with prayer that overcomes anxiety, guarding against anxious thoughts and put our faith into practice!
On difficult days, how do we pray and act to reveal the better story of the gospel? The Spirit helps us in our weakness and reminds us that we have a home, a hope and a help.
When Peter was imprisoned, the church prayed with conviction and passion for his release and yet seemed astonished when he was. How do we pray when faced with a crisis? How do we make sense of both the answered and unanswered prayers?
Matthew’s gospel tells two stories of outsiders who come to Jesus determined and confident that he will do something incredible for someone they care about. Will we do the same for one another?
It’s easy to become discouraged when we don’t see the results of our prayers but, as the story of Abraham reminds us, we must take our place as priests who will intercede on behalf of the world.
Psalm 23 is much more than a scripture to read at funerals. It’s a radical reminder that we pray to a God who is the shepherd of our lives.
Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians reminds us of the core business of prayer – that we may know God better.
Luke’s telling of the birth of Jesus reminds us that God acted at a real time in history, in a real place, with real people. If we pause from our busyness, we might just be amazed again at the one who comes close to us.
The genealogies at the end of Ruth & at the start of Matthew’s gospel are full of remarkable people. What has God called you to continue to be committed to?