St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Category: Sermons

Tune in to the Active Word

We believe that reading the Bible is one of the foundational ways to hear God speak to us. But how do we hear a word that we might find difficult to understand? How do we read well so we can hear well?

Tune in to the Skies

The psalmist believed that observing nature was a way of hearing the Lord who is speaking every day to any who have eyes to see. How do we see clearly so that we can hear well?

Tune in to God

The promise of Jesus was that God would speak to his people because we are his friends. We would increasingly grow to recognise his voice.

Of course, the challenge is: do we want to hear? Are we prepared to listen? Are we ready to respond if we do hear his voice?

And so it begins…

A young out-of-town couple in a whirl, an old couple, part of the furniture in the Temple, easily overlooked. And a baby.

Luke loves these sorts of people, because he knows that Jesus loves to spend time with them. And it’s the way the salvation story unfolds.

It did then, it still does now. As another uncertain new year begins for us.

Candlelit Carol Service

Our candlelit carol service, with traditional carols, a sprinkling of newer ones, readings, a brass band and candles.

This is Jesus – The Nazarene

Jesus the Nazarene is the hope of the nations and the hope of us all, He has come that we may know freedom when all seems lost.

This is Jesus – Refugee Child

Jesus was a toddler whose family had to escape violence. Immanuel came to earth and one of the first things that he did was to join the long line of refugees…

This is Jesus – Shepherd-King

They came looking for a king. But they had no idea what sort of king he would be – or indeed the type of leadership/service he would ask of his followers.

This is Jesus – Immanuel

If you’re going to live well, you need to be able to understand Jesus profoundly.

Matthew wrote his gospel so that you wouldn’t have to guess, and this week we explore the two titles he introduces in his story of Jesus – Saviour and Immanuel.

If we can get to grips with these, they will change how we see life, those around us and ourselves.

When Will War Stop?

Another Remembrance Sunday when we are reminded of the catastrophe of war, the effects it has on those directly involved, as well as those bystanders who get dragged into it all.

Jesus told his disciples to expect war, but that in the midst of it all there would be reasons to retain hope for the future.

We need to hear it again this week as Russian troops advance on the borders of Ukraine.

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