St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Category: Information


Whole Life Disciples

A few weeks ago, I was asked by my colleagues at work (LICC) to write a piece about how I prepare sermons that aim to encourage people to grow as whole life disciples. They then asked to interview a few people about their reactions to this. The results are included in June’s ‘EG Magazine’. I…
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Holy Week Timeline

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, which begins Holy Week (or Passion Week) – the week that commemorates Jesus’ death and resurrection. Here’s a new visualization Bible Gateway created that harmonizes the four Gospel accounts of Holy Week and lets you examine the “who,” “what,” and “where” of events leading up to and through Easter. Follow the lines in the chart to see at a glance what people were doing, where they were, and whom they were with at any point during the week.

Got A Question?

We’ve introduced the option to ask Neil Hudson your questions online.

The Passion Experience

The Passion Experience

Experience Easter like never before. Holy Week 2011 sees the launch of The Passion Experience – a chance to step into the week’s dramatic events through first person story telling, delivered free straight to your Twitter account, inbox or mobile phone.

Got A Question?

Our next Q&A session with Neil will be on Sunday 13th February. It’ll be just 30 mins – from 12.30 (after coffee) to 1pm. It’s a chance for you to ask questions that are bugging you; they may reflect some of the preaching we’ve had recently, something you’ve seen in the news, or you may have more general issues you’d like to raise. Your choice!

We also realise that not everyone can make it to these, so we’ve now introduced the option to ask your question online. We’ll try to look at these during the Q&A session, but we’ll also post an answer online, so you can get involved even if you can’t make it the session. Simply click on the ‘Got a question?’ link on the right-hand side of our website to ask your question.

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas!

Don’t forget, we’ve got a special Christmas Morning service tomorrow, starting at 10.30am. It would be great to see you there!

Advent Conspiracy

Can’t Find A Gift For Someone Who Has Everything?

Why not give something to someone who has nothing instead?

Christmas Alive | Sunday 19th December | 4-6pm, Lightoaks Park

Christmas Alive – This Year It’s Bigger Than Ever!

Experience the nativity come to life!

Come along to meet & interact with characters in our live nativity, and follow the story all the way to the stable, and beyond…

Live animals, live characters, live music!

The Nativity

From 20 December there will be a series of programmes on BBC1 about the Nativity. This is what one church leader has written about it.

Christmas Alive

In the video below, Mary Causer is interviewed on Channel M before last year’s Christmas Alive, and explains what Christmas Alive is. This year it will be bigger than ever, as we take it out from our church into Lightoaks Park!

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