St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Category: Information

Partners in Prayer

Partners in Prayer

Salford Prayer have just launched a new initiative, called Partners in Prayer, which has the vision of seeing every single church in Salford partnering with one another, encouraging one another, valuing one another, helping each another to make disciples for Jesus.

God's people under pressure

God’s people under pressure…

Our sermons for the next couple of months will be exploring 2 Corinthians.

What if the church saw blood and organ donation as part of its giving? |

Flesh and blood

What if the church saw blood and organ donation as part of its giving?

The internet and our church

Last week I gave a short talk in our Sunday service about where we’re at with our website & social media. Here are a few key points from it that I’d like to share with you.


Why Leviticus? Why here? Why now?

Neil shares some thoughts about why we’re looking at Leviticus in our Sunday services at the moment.

Sermons in early 2013 – Leviticus

During January – February we will be tackling some of the major themes in the book of Leviticus in the sermons.

Christmas Alive

Christmas Alive on BBC Radio Manchester

A few days ago, Mike Shaft’s show on BBC Radio Manchester featured a report from Rebecca Kelly about Christmas Alive.

Grace Offered

Grace Offered

A story that we know so well – a Good Samaritan that deserves his fame. But could a real world embrace radical grace?

Grace Intro

Grace – an introduction to our new series

Throughout autumn we will be looking at Luke’s gospel, trying to allow ourselves the space and time to be overwhelmed with God’s grace, and the grace we see around us.

The Big Welcome

The Big Welcome (Sunday 23rd September)

We’d love you to join us and experience for yourself a church that will offer both vibrant worship, space to think, and if needed crèche and Sunday school.

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