St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Category: Information

Judges: Flawed People – Faithful God

Dodgy dealings, brutal murders, leaders that you lose confidence in. You could be excused for wondering why Judges is in the Bible at all.

September at Salford Elim

What’s happening at Salford Elim in September?

God loves…

What does it mean to hear that God loves the world, the church, our enemies and the rebellious?

March at Salford Elim

What’s happening at Salford Elim Church in March?

February at Salford Elim

What’s happening at Salford Elim Church in February?


Amos is a book of burning anger. God’s anger. It’s not comfortable reading. But he, and the other prophets, are voices we need to hear to keep us on track.

Christmas at Salford Elim

What’s happening at Salford Elim during December?

Christmas Alive

Christmas Alive 2015

Experience the Christmas story come to life. Interact with the characters – ask them questions, get answers, and find out more about the Christmas story.

How would you answer, “What does Christmas mean to you?”

As we all prepare for Christmas this December, we’d love share responses to this question from the wide variety of people we have in our church.

September at Salford Elim

What’s happening at Salford Elim Church in September?

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