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07771 558 058

The Lord’s Prayer – all the sermons

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been looking at the Lord’s Prayer on Sunday mornings. We’ve now collected together all the sermons onto this one page, so that you can listen again to what was said.


1: Our Father

The prayer assumes that disciples need to be taught how to pray, that left to our devices we will only pray about our needs and wants.

The Lord’s Prayer leads us into the things that are important to pray about.

The prayer begins with a reminder of our relationship – the Father who always takes the first step and we who respond to Him.


2: May Your name be hallowed, Your kingdom come, Your will be done

These are the big subversive prayers – the ones that say that things are not right round here.

The prayers that call for regime change – God’s regime to be seen in the midst of our very ordinary world.


3: Give us this day

Praying that God will give us what we need has all sorts of implications for our faith.

It reminds us of where our security is, how we view the future, how we live with what we have.

It’s a simple prayer that reflects our deepest fears as well as deepest hopes.


4: Forgive me, and forgive them

The tricky relationship between being assured of our own forgiveness and the forgiveness we need to offer others.

To hold a grudge is to allow someone else to live rent-free in our heads.


5: Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one!

Temptation and being tested can be a hard place to live on your own, but there is hope in a healthy community.

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