St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

The It’s Not Fair – telling stories of human trafficking

The It's Not Fair

Saturday 28th June, 7.30pm – Elmwood Church

Elmwood, Mount Chapel, and Salford Elim are co-hosting Rhema Theatre Company’s anti-slavery production, as part of our contribution to Hope 2014 and Pray Love (Greater) Manchester.

Kwame just wants to earn enough money to buy a bike…
Maya wants to take care of her family…
Alisa doesn’t have a choice…

‘The It’s Not Fair’ takes us on a journey from the cocoa farms of the Ivory Coast… to the dingy bars of the back streets of Thailand… behind the respectable facade of a London home… and into the offices of an anti-trafficking organisation – who are making a difference, one person at a time…

Using a unique blend of theatre, storytelling, and music, the performance brings these stories to life in an entertaining, powerful, and moving way…

A way that informs… but also inspires…

A way that raises awareness of the problems, but also brings hope…


‘The It’s Not Fair’ is designed to inform and stimulate compassion and interest for some of the most vulnerable people on earth. Rhema are also taking it into schools – so have written sensitively about this troubling subject.

The performance deals with subjects of a dark nature, but is not graphic in any way. One story does deal with the issue of sex trafficking, but Rhema have been careful to ensure that the subject is handled sensitively, and in a way that is appropriate for anyone over 11 years of age.

Tickets are £7 (£5 for the unwaged) including interval refreshments, and are available from the Elmwood ‘Box Office’ on 0161 281 4545.

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