However you dress it up, Christmas starts with Christ.
This Christmas, follow the dramatic story of Jesus’ birth through a series of free messages via text, email, Twitter or Facebook to your mobile phone or computer.
The messages start on Sunday 18th December, reach a climax on Christmas day and then lead you on in a journey of reflection over the following week. This amazing story will unfold as it is sent in a series of short messages to your phone, smart-phone or computer.
Bring the story of Jesus’ birth alive again this Christmas.
There are several ways you can get involved:
- Visit our Christmas Experience page, and sign up to receive texts and/or emails.
- Text SALFORDELIM to 07797 803 730. (Standard network rates apply, works on all apart from T-Mobile. One of the messages you receive back refers to Twitter, but this is just because the texts are sent via Twitter; don’t worry about that!)
- Follow @thechristmasexp on Twitter.
- Like The Christmas Experience page on Facebook