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07771 558 058

The Bible – from Creation to New Creation

Reading the BibleOver the past 12 months, we have organised our monthly all-age worship services around retelling the story of the Bible – from Creation to New Creation in 11 steps. It’s been a great challenge as we have gone through the well-known stories but also tackled the events that are less familiar for lots of folks – e.g. the exile. Throughout the series the challenge has been to engage the children in what is essentially an adult world – with all the adult themes of fear, loss, hope, regret, sin and forgiveness.

For those wanting to do more thinking about this – you might find the challenge of following a 100 day reading plan helpful. It takes you through the main aspects of the Biblical narrative. You’ll find it here.

There are tons of materials at Biblefresh. This has been a major development during 2011, encouraging and helping Christians get to grips with the Bible. There are articles to read, film clips that are from some of the leading thinkers in the Christian Church, all of which would help you feel more confident about scripture.

A new book coming out soon by friends of mine is “Whole Life, Whole Bible”. It’s based around 50 readings each with a short commentary that help you see the significance of scripture for the whole of your life. You can order it here.

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