St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: Sacrifice and Salvation

Celebrate Jesus: Praying For A Different Future

Join us as we pray together in creative ways – that God will change the story for our city.

The King’s Mission Continues

The story finishes in a similar way to how it started. Jesus comes to people who have messed up, who know they aren’t capable, who aren’t to be trusted and he restores purpose and personhood to them.

He did it then, and he still does.

The King’s Newness

Have you woken on a morning, blinked in the sunshine, and heard the birds knowing that today will be a good day? It’s Resurrection morning! The King offers us the power to live a new life in the sun.

The King Is Crowned (2)

What’s your addiction? What do you take or do that quietens the restlessness,the discontent or the fear? Have the short-term fixes become your master now? Can Jesus set us free from addictive behaviours?

The King Is Crowned

It’s all been leading here. A strange journey to a strange enthronement. The death-machine does its best to put out the light of the world. But that cross becomes a throne! It’s the old story that’s not just for Easter!