St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: Prayer Week

Easter Prayer Week – Day 6

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 5

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 4

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 3

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 2

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 1

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

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