St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: New Life

Easter: A Life Story

Easter: A Life Story

Jesus’ story is that death didn’t get the final word.

Life did. Resurrection life.

And his promise was that this new life is ours to share. Life always trumps death!

The Challenge of this New Life

News of the resurrection of Jesus was deeply disturbing to the authorities, who were desperately trying to keep order. The apostles directly threatened the status quo – they stood in the temple offering a radically different understanding of all that God was doing.

They were arrested and put in jail, but the angel broke down the door – and gave them specific orders to go back and to keep on speaking.

In contexts where it’s easy for faith to be kept private, we are called to this same bravery…

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