St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: joy

Bringing Joy

In a society looking for happiness in all sorts of ways, how do we experience real joy that lasts through any and every situation we might face?

The Spirit-Shaped Life >> Joy

The Spirit-Shaped Life >> Joy

Some days it’s difficult to find joy. But we’re called to rejoice in the Lord. Even in trials, the joy of the Lord will stop a descent into despair…

A song about joy

A song about joy

We’re introducing another new song this Sunday, to put words to our thoughts about joy, and to help us articulate a response to God.

Rainbow Joy

Many of you will probably have seen this video already, as it’s been one of the big viral hits from the last few months. It’s been featured by Scott Mills on BBC Radio 1, and over 16 million people have watched it on YouTube! [youtube]OQSNhk5ICTI[/youtube] There’s obviously something strangely fascinating about someone showing unbridled joy…
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