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07771 558 058

Tag: Good News In The Season Of Storms

Good News In The Season Of Storms: When Storms Cease

The most famous storm was a long one – 40 days of rain.

And one man and his family lived with the hope that one day it would cease.

His hope was not disappointed, the rains stopped and Noah and his family and the zoo he saved could live again.

But they had important lessons to learn when the sun came out again.

Good News In The Season Of Storms: What Storms Reveal About Discipleship

Jesus’ teaching about the wisdom we need to build into our lives offers us the only chance of surviving the storms that we cannot predict.

But if we build well, the houses of our lives will survive.

Good News In The Season Of Storms: What Storms Reveal About Us

The story of Jonah is famous because of the whale.

But it’s actually about a man being brought face to face with his own religious and racial bigotry.

Sometimes only a crisis can make you realise what you need to face up to.

Good News In The Season Of Storms: What Storms Reveal About Jesus

Matthew retells the story of Jesus stilling the storm as part of a group of stories about how Jesus confronts all manner of hell-bent evil.

He did it because we need to hold onto the core truth of Jesus’ authority over everything – especially when things seem to be going wrong.

Good News In The Season Of Storms: What A Storm Offers

Storms come to all of us.

Without the storm Peter would have never had the chance to walk on water…

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