St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Tag: church

How Can Church Be A Healthy-Living Community?

We know that being in healthy communities brings us health. What practices build these communities? How can we stop churches becoming unhealthy?

Being Called To Be Church – Daring To Believe It’s Not Over

The story of the early church reminds us that there are days when God does amazing wonders and there are other days when everything seems to be lost.

Being Called To Be Church – Changes That Start New Stories

These stories of Paul and Peter show how God speaks to each one of us differently and wraps us in to his ambitious plans.

Being Called To Be Church – Unexpected People

As the early church scattered, so did the good news of Jesus. But the first missionaries weren’t necessarily those that you would have expected…

Being Called To Be Church – Conflict In Church

A sermon about church rotas! A growing church needs organising if it is to stay true to its DNA; a people who look after the poor.

Being Called To Be Church – A Church That Dares

How can we better sense the prompting of the Holy Spirit and be ready to give the unexpected answer?

A Growing Church of Friends (Colossians 4:2-18)

Paul was surrounded with people who had a clear aim together & lived sacrificially. What does it take to be that sort of friend for one another?

A Growing Church Living Consistently (Colossians 3:18-4:1)

Paul’s teachings were radical in their day. We are called to live equally radically today. What does the gospel look like Monday-Saturday?

A Growing Church that Changes (Colossians 3:12-17)

There are things Paul wants people to stop doing, but there are far more new ways of life to live in.

A Growing Church Living on Jesus’ Coat-Tails (Colossians 2:9-3:11)

Paul wants the Colossians to know that their lives are intrinsically linked to Jesus. What happened to him happens to us. It changes how we see everything.

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