St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Salford Prayer Points – 13th July

Salford East


“I in them and You in Me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.”
John 17v23

Pray for the unity of the Church, that across this City of Salford, across the Region and throughout the North West, people will know that we are His and they may know His love for them in a very powerful and real way.


Pray for all those who have authority in government that they will have wisdom and understanding in all they do for the City of Salford and its people.

MP: Graham Stringer


Kersal: Peter Connor; Ann-Marie Humphreys; George Wilson (Mayor)

Broughton: Jim King; Charlie McIntyre; John Merry (Council Leader)

Irwell Riverside: Stephen Coen; Joe Murphy; Mat Mold


Pray for families to be strengthened in Salford.

For fathers across the City to be inspired to fulfil their role as fathers by loving and caring for their children.

For mothers in Salford to feel supported and encouraged as they love and care for their children.


Pray for unemployment to drop as new jobs are created in Salford.

For people who are looking for work, that they will get the help they need to find suitable employment.

For a growth in peoples aspirations in their careers.

Thanks to David King from City Light Trust for putting this together – visit for more information.

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