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Praying Beyond The Sick List

Prayer’s something lost of us need to practice a bit harder!   We can be sure that God hears, it’s just that we are not always certain what to ask.  I came across an article that I found helpful.  It suggests that:

  1. Sometimes we ask God to change our circumstances—heal the sick, give us daily bread, protect us from suffering and evildoers, make our political leaders just, convert our friends and family, make our work and ministries prosper, provide us with a spouse, quiet this dangerous storm, send us rain, give us a child.
  2. Sometimes we ask God to change us—deepen our faith, teach us to love each other, forgive our sins, make us wise where we tend to be foolish, help us know You better, give us understanding of Scripture, teach us how to encourage others.
  3. Sometimes we ask God to change everything by revealing Himself more fully on the stage of real life, magnifying the degree to which His glory and rule are obvious—Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, be exalted above the heavens, let Your glory be over all of the earth, let Your glory fill the earth as the waters cover the sea, come Lord Jesus.

But what we need to do is to learn how to interweave each of these aspects of prayer.  A good example is the Lord’s Prayer which contains all three, tightly interwoven.

Read the full article here…

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