St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058


Our Pentecostal Heritage

You will never know where you are going, until you know where you came from. British Pentecostal’s past development and future challenges by Neil Hudson One hundred years ago, the thought that there would be a new grouping within Evangelicalism that would spread throughout the world with a rate of growth that in certain places…
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Habitat for Humanity: Uganda 2008

A video of the Habitat for Humanity trip to Uganda.

Nichole Nordeman: Why

A video featuring Nichole Nordeman’s song ‘Why’, with graphics originally created for the Easter 2008 service at Salford Elim Church.


by Neil Hudson (originally aired on BBC GMR, May 2007) My father in law is 75 years old and he is waiting for news of when he can start attending a new class he has to enrol in. When I first heard him tell me what the class was for, I have to admit that…
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Easter – an inconvenient day

Easter Sunday is a bit of a nuisance for some people.

Religious Hatred v Love

by Neil Hudson (originally aired on BBC GMR, February 2006) The last seven days has been another example of the news being dominated by religion. The beginning of the week saw strange alliances coming together to fight for what was seen to be free speech linked to the Racial and Religious Hatred Bill. Many Christians…
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The Best Things In Life

by Neil Hudson (originally aired on BBC GMR, July 2005) The best things in life always look least impressive and are summed up in the least number of words. Compare the understated elegance of handsome men or beautiful women which wins out over overblown bling-bling each time. Think about the single gold band round a…
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