St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058


Disappointed Parents

One of the many ways that Christians end up feeling guilty can depend on whether their children take an active interest in the Christian faith and decide to follow the way of Jesus as young people. I’ve met too many Christians, and particularly Christian leaders, who speak with more than regret, but guilt, that their child…
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Heads, Hats, Hassle?

1 Corinthians 11:2-16 2I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the teachings, just as I passed them on to you. 3Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. What does…
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Mary Causer on Channel M

One of our church leaders, Mary Causer, appeared on Channel M to discuss our Christmas Alive event. Below is a video of her interview.

Mend The Gap

Experienced youth leader, researcher and trainer, Jason Gardner makes a plea for churches not to miss the opportunity they have to bring holistic discipleship to all the generations in church. He points to the growing generation gaps that exist in society, and that are replicated in the church, whereby we become poorer by not being…
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Becoming More Like Christ

This is part of a series of books entitled Discipleship as Wholeness. It is one of the few books I’ve read that not only intends to encourage people to become mature disciples of Christ, but also suggests a picture of what that might actually look like in the lives of ordinary Christians. The book wants…
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An Agenda for Change

Joel Edwards, until very recently, General Director of EA has written a really useful, short overview of the challenges facing evangelical churches today. Calling for a commitment to the gospel, lived out in the way of Jesus, he outlines ways that we need to present this gospel. Shouting louder is never effective! The second section…
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Delivering the Captives

If you are sympathetic to the viewpoint that most of the problems we face in life stem from the direct work of demonic forces attacking people, then this book will be of interest to you. The book introduces themes of how to prevent the enemy gaining a foothold and what to do if he has.…
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A Toolbox for Small Churches

Based on work done with smaller UK Baptist churches, this is a really encouraging, practical book that would help any smaller church think through the challenges and opportunities that they face. It is encouraging because it emphasises that there are advantages about being small that you can use for the benefit of the Gospel, as…
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Judas and the Gospel of Jesus

You may have seen the displays in Waterstones relating to the ‘Gospel of Judas’, a third century document, which some have claimed, shows what Jesus’ teaching really concerned. Tom Wright, the brilliant New Testament scholar and bishop, has answered the claims in a readable style that enable the reader to have greater confidence in the…
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Issues Facing Christians Today

75 words on a classic? Here goes: Fully updated, urgently relevant, mind stretching, readable, warm, optimistic, thoroughly biblical, godly wisdom, well-researched, mature reflection, insightful, provocative, understandable, engaged with wider society, the gospel for all humanity, opens the windows on the world, essential for leaders (what do you mean you’re too busy?). Includes questions for further…
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