St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058



British Summer Time Starts Tonight

Don’t forget to put your clocks forward 1 hour tonight!

Psalmm 106

Psalm 106

A great video inspired by Psalm 106.


What is the good news of the gospel?

In 1 Peter 2:13-17 it states, “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men…” Where should Christians stand on political protests seeking regime change, such as those seen in Tunisia & Egypt recently?

This is an interesting question because it kind of assumes that we aren’t normally, whereas I would want to suggest that every time we pray the Lord’s prayer – ‘May your kingdom come, may your will be done’ we are making both a protest against the existing ruling authorities – especially of they are unjust…
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Isn’t This What Religion Should Look Like?

Firstly, Muslims defended Coptic Christians as they celebrated Coptic Christmas.

Then yesterday it emerged that Christians had been defending Muslims as they prayed in Tahrir Square, leading to this powerful image.

Got A Question?

Our next Q&A session with Neil will be on Sunday 13th February. It’ll be just 30 mins – from 12.30 (after coffee) to 1pm. It’s a chance for you to ask questions that are bugging you; they may reflect some of the preaching we’ve had recently, something you’ve seen in the news, or you may have more general issues you’d like to raise. Your choice!

We also realise that not everyone can make it to these, so we’ve now introduced the option to ask your question online. We’ll try to look at these during the Q&A session, but we’ll also post an answer online, so you can get involved even if you can’t make it the session. Simply click on the ‘Got a question?’ link on the right-hand side of our website to ask your question.

Questions For God

Matthew Paul Turner wrote a letter about questions for God, which was then made into the following video. It’s an incredibly honest look at the subject…

Focus For 2011

New year is a good time to get into some good habits – detox from too much eating and lying around, time to get the blood circulating again. One of the ways you can get some help for this is by following a prayer plan; at least for a while.

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas!

Don’t forget, we’ve got a special Christmas Morning service tomorrow, starting at 10.30am. It would be great to see you there!

Vintage Christmas

Christmas. Over the years, people have said many things. Here are a few…