St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058


Neil’s Hopes & Dreams for 2012 [#HD12]

My hopes & dreams, and also some challenges, for 2012.

The Bible – from Creation to New Creation

Over the past 12 months we have organised our monthly all-age worship services around retelling the story of the Bible – from Creation to New Creation in 11 steps.

You Captivate My Heart

A poem by Val Walker


Let’s tell our story… (a thought from the #DigiManc conference)

Social media is about sharing a story; our story…

The Christmas Experience: The Nativity Story in Real Time

However you dress it up, Christmas starts with Christ.

This Christmas, follow the dramatic story of Jesus’ birth through a series of free messages via text, email, Twitter or Facebook to your mobile phone or computer.


British Summer Time Ends Tonight

Don’t forget to put your clocks back 1 hour tonight!

Salford Stories

Salford Stories

Salford Stories is organised by Dave King and The City Light Trust in association with churches across the city. Proclaim Trust founder Barry Woodward will be telling the story of his amazing transformation from drug addict to author, speaker and inspiring community leader.

The Vine Cafe Launch Night (1)

Some photos from The Vine Cafe’s launch night

Here’s a couple of photos from Friday night’s launch night at The Vine Cafe.

Video: The construction of The Vine Cafe

A great video showing all the hard work everyone put in to make The Vine Cafe happen.

God is not a white man

God is not a white man

A great little video that I just had to share.

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