St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058


Faith (Mark 16:9-20)

Faith in the Easter story.

People in 33AD knew that people didn’t rise from the dead – that would just be ridiculous…

There’s sometimes an assumption that people in Jesus’ time would have more readily believed that people could rise from the dead.

Faith filled prayer (Mark 11:1-25)

What did Jesus say about praying with faith?

Our Good Friday service, followed by free coffee & cake at The Vine Cafe!

Details of our Good Friday service & more!

Latest news

April at Salford Elim Church

Get the latest news on what’s going on at Salford Elim Church.

Don’t forget, we’re on the move this Sunday (and so are the clocks)

This Sunday, we won’t be having a service in our church, but we’re joining with Langworthy Community Church.

Gift Fair at The Vine Cafe this Saturday

Join us for our gift fair, to raise funds for The Christie.

Faith on desperate days (Mark 5:21 – 43)

We read the story of Jairus and the woman losing blood, and see ourselves in them.

But what was Jesus trying to do?

And what does the way Jesus acted mean for our church life together?

Waves, water, storms, and oceans

Have you ever had one of those weeks, where you’ve had the same recurring theme come at you from different sources, so much so that you’re sure it can’t be coincidence, and that God must be trying to talk to you?

Faith on stormy days (Mark 4:35 – 41)

When the storm hit the boat the disciples were in, they were afraid and thought Jesus didn’t care.
When the storm was stilled, they were terrified and wondered who this Jesus was.

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