The Spirit-Shaped Life >> Joy
Some days it’s difficult to find joy. But we’re called to rejoice in the Lord. Even in trials, the joy of the Lord will stop a descent into despair…
Some days it’s difficult to find joy. But we’re called to rejoice in the Lord. Even in trials, the joy of the Lord will stop a descent into despair…
We’re introducing another new song this Sunday, to put words to our thoughts about joy, and to help us articulate a response to God.
The start of our new series, looking through the Fruit of the Spirit, and what it means to have a Spirit-shaped life.
Standing up for the rights of the oppressed and poor is not some add on to the gospel message. It is right at the centre of God’s commands for his people.
Sunday will mark the start of a new sermon series looking at the Fruit of the Spirit – here’s a new song we’ll be using this week.
Over the summer, we’re going to be looking through the Fruit of the Spirit, and what it means to have a Spirit-shaped life.
The concept of ‘Jubilee’ contained radical instructions for the way the people of God were to deal with work, loans, land, and the treatment of the poor.
The closer you get to situations that seem hopeless, the harder it is to hold on to any sense that God can do something to change things.
This Sunday, Elim Missions are holding a national church planting gift day, to support their new campaign to see churches planted around the world, BeChurch.
What does God want of humanity: ‘to act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8)