The Spirit-Shaped Life >> Self-Control
This was the last service in our summer-long series exploring the Fruits of the Spirit.
This was the last service in our summer-long series exploring the Fruits of the Spirit.
Gentleness combines strength and meekness – strength under control.
What does it take to stay faithful to the commitments we make?
Goodness is an attitude that is willing to do so much more than is required.
Kindness is one of God’s secret doorways to destiny.
Patience – it’s a quality of God, and is to be true of us as well.
The excellent United Pursuit Band from Knoxville, Tennessee, will be playing one date in Manchester on Thursday 21st August.
Can we watch the news, and see all that’s going on in the world around us, and still know God’s peace?
Some days it’s difficult to find joy. But we’re called to rejoice in the Lord. Even in trials, the joy of the Lord will stop a descent into despair…
We’re introducing another new song this Sunday, to put words to our thoughts about joy, and to help us articulate a response to God.