St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058


What is Jesus Doing? (Mark 11:12-19)

This is more than a bad day, Jesus is stopping business as usual to offer the chance of something new. That was the threatening thing. It still is.

Can You See? (Mark 10:46-11:11)

The crowds can see the blessing that Jesus could bring. The authorities can only see problems. What can you see?

Cross-Shaped Disciples (Mark 10:32-45)

Jesus tells the disciples how he will change everything by dying on the cross & rising from the dead, but two mishear think only of their own future.

Disciples and Children (Mark 10:13-16)

Once again Jesus defies the expectations of his culture (including his disciples); this time by welcoming children. In fact, he went much further than that…

Disciples and Marriage (Mark 10:1-12)

Once again, the Pharisees came to try and trip Jesus up; this time about the issues of divorce. But Jesus refused to play their game.

Damaging One Another (Mark 9:42-50)

We’re called to take care of one another; treat each other gently; act as though we belong to one another. Even when we’re very different from each other.

Who is the Greatest? (Mark 9:33-41)

Jesus and the disciples were on a long journey, and the disciples were arguing about who is the greatest. We have a look at Jesus’ response to them…

The Failing Disciples (Mark 9:14-32)

Jesus, Peter, James & John come down from an incredible mountaintop experience to find the other disciples arguing about why they couldn’t exorcise a demon.

Can You See The Glory?

Can You See The Glory? (Mark 9:2-13)

The transfiguration is the mind-blowing final scene of Mark’s three-part drama of who Jesus is. Jesus is transformed and a voice calls us to listen to him…

Can You See The Cross?

Can You See The Cross? (Mark 8:34-9:1)

Jesus continues to develop the implications of what it means to be a disciple. There’s no way around this – we have to walk the same road as Jesus.

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