St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058


Demonstrating Love

Demonstrating Love

Christmas reminds us that we seek an ongoing, unconditional love. It’s also the time when we remember that such love has already been given to us, and we can demonstrate this love to others.

Bringing Joy

In a society looking for happiness in all sorts of ways, how do we experience real joy that lasts through any and every situation we might face?

Having Hope Bringing Hope

Having Hope; Bringing Hope

As Christians we are called to have hope in the faithfulness of God, and to be people who bring hope into the lives of others. That’s the message of advent.

Extravagantly Inefficient Love of God

Extravagantly Inefficient Love of God

The parable of the lost sheep shows such extravagant inefficiency, and highlights the lengths God will go to search for those who find themselves separated from him.

Happy Christmas

Christmas at Salford Elim

We’d love for you to join us at Salford Elim Church this Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, and we’ve got something for everyone…

Paying Careful Attention To One Another

Our Vision and Values: Paying Careful Attention To One Another

We want to be a church who pays careful attention to one another, so that we can help each other grow as disciples.

Alert To God's Leading

Our Vision and Values: Alert to God’s Leading

God is still speaking, but are we listening? We want to be a church that is alert to the Spirit’s leading through the gift of prophecy.

Whole-Life Disciples

Our Vision and Values: Whole-Life Disciples

As followers of Jesus, we may be in the minority but we can make a real difference to society if we maintain our distinctiveness in the whole of our lives.

Whole-Life Disciples

Our Vision and Values: Whole-Life Disciples

If we’re going to be a growing community of whole-life disciples, we have serve God where He’s placed us; whether it’s where we expected to be or not.

A Growing Community

Our Vision and Values: A Growing Community

We want to be a growing community, not just a growing church. But what does this look like, and what can we learn from the early church?

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