St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058


No Megaphone Required

Our different dialects and accents can make us feel like we belong, but they can also make us feel like we’re judged and misunderstood. It was no different for the early church, yet they were able to be heard and understood.

Sunday Playlist: Songs for Acts 2:1-12

It’s my hope and prayer for you (and for myself) that these songs become heartfelt prayers for revival in the fullest sense of the word.

Midweek Musings

Our latest weekly communication. This week a reflective piece from Neil, an interview with Mark C, our latest news and some useful links and resources.

What Will Your Answer Be?

Judas commits suicide and now there are only 11 disciples; the disciples need to replace him. How will the new twelfth disciple be chosen?

Sunday Playlist: Songs for Acts 1:12-26

One thing that Acts 1:12-26 has reminded me of is that God looks at people’s hearts, not their outward appearance, their reputation or their own sense of identity. Here are a few songs which explore this theme.

Midweek Musings

Our latest weekly communication. This week a reflective piece from Neil, an interview with Jo W, our latest news and the prayers we prayed during Sunday’s service.

When Everything Changes

At a time when everything seems to be on a knife edge and we’re not sure what will happen next, the book of Acts is really helpful. The church was birthed into the unknown. They didn’t know what happen next, but they learned to respond to the moving of the Spirit because they were really aware that they weren’t in control of things.

Sunday Playlist: Acts 1

As we remembered the greatest week in history on Easter Sunday, we now continue the story of how the risen Jesus changed the world, through his disciples and by his Spirit, as recorded in the book of Acts. Here are a few songs to kick us off on our journey.

Midweek Musings

Our latest weekly communication. This week a reflective piece from Neil, an interview with Helen, our latest news and links to some resources that might be helpful/interesting.

Easter Sunday: This Changes Everything

Mary and the disciples go to Jesus’ tomb knowing that people don’t rise from the dead, but Jesus did and proved to them that He was alive.

This changes everything.

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