St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058


Midweek Musings – Old Certainties and New Possibilities

We may not be in the same physical space with others as much as we might have been in the past, but we must be ready to go to those who are different from ourselves.

Otherwise we will miss out on God’s great adventure…

The Power Encounter – Dark Spiritual Powers

God wants us to be led by His Spirit – but it doesn’t mean you can’t make logical plans.

God wants you to be good news – but it doesn’t mean that you won’t find yourself in moments of confrontation…

Sunday Playlist – The Power Encounter – Dark Spiritual Powers

The apostle Paul’s experience in Cyprus offers us a picture of the exciting Christian life that offers good news to people.

As we think about his experience in Acts 13, we have the chance to see our own situations much clearer.

Here are my song choices for this week’s Sunday Playlist podcast episode…

Midweek Musings – Are You Using The Right Name?

Are you happy with your name? What about your nickname? In Acts 13, Saul starts to use an alternative name, Paul. But why…?

The Power Encounter – Herod

The story of Peter’s release is one that sees the overturning of Herod’s power, as the state is unable to keep the church leader in prison.

The church relying on the God of the Passover that answers his people’s prayers do the only thing they can. They pray. And whilst they do not seem to believe that the miracles of old will still happen, they do!

We often find ourselves in the same place. Feeling the lack of power, reliant on God and then amazed when He comes through for us…

Sunday Playlist – The Power Encounter – Herod

In Acts 12 we see people praying earnestly in the middle of the night; one of the disciples is executed, while the other is miraculously released from prison. But when he turns up at the house of prayer, the Christians just don’t believe it and try to explain it away.

It seems that like most of us, they were not actually bold prayer-warriors, but people who prayed with a mixture of faith and uncertainty, got down on their knees and prayed anyway.

In this latest podcast episode, I’ve chosen some songs to reflect on this story & inspire us…

Midweek Musings – How Much Power Do You Have?

How much power do you have? What do you do when you feel powerless? In Acts 12, to most people looking on, it’s clear who has all the power…

Acting Like Jesus – Together As Church

There are some churches you would want to join if you could. Antioch is one of those churches. A flexible, generous, boundary-breaking church.

As we reflect on their life together in c50 AD, we get inspired to keep growing into all this and more in 2020!

Sunday Playlist – Acting Like Jesus – Together As Church

The church in Antioch was a flexible, generous, boundary-breaking church.

In this latest podcast episode, I’ve chosen songs to reflect on this & inspire us to keep growing…

Midweek Musings – If We’d Only Known

This week we have reflections from Neil, our latest news and some other useful information and resources.

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