St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058


Why Evil Doesn’t Get The Last Word

The world has too many evil regimes. Too many people are oppressed. Too many suffer at the hands of the powerful. How will this be brought to an end by a rider on a white horse?

Why Death Doesn’t Get The Last Word

What has happened to all those who have died waiting for Jesus to return? What will eternal life be like? How does this hope help us live well now? On Sunday, we explored the possible answers behind these questions.

Living Without Fear

On Sunday, as we explored; how to live without fear in the middle of global upheavals, why wars and famines don’t necessarily mean Jesus is just about to come back, and why this is good news!

Living With Hope

Jesus has promised that he will return, that history will not finish with a collapse into catastrophe, but in a song of justice and joy. How does this help us live?

Coming Up (March 2025)

A look back at the previous month, and a look forward to what’s coming up.

Living With Suffering

Many of us live with prayers that have not yet been answered. What is the place of suffering and the ‘unhealed’ in the life of faith when we want to live honestly but also hopefully?

How To Pray For Healing

On Sunday, we explored what to do, what not to do and thought about the part that faith has to play in our prayers.

Sunday Morning Service With Mark Pugh

We were joined by the General Superintendent of Elim, Mark Pugh, who came to preach to us a sermon as a guest speaker.

What’s The Interplay Of Faith And Health?

We have a number of doctors, nurses and health workers along with counsellors who are part of our congregation. We listened to the ways they understand the interplay between health, wholeness, medicine, counselling, healing and miracles.

How Can Church Be A Healthy-Living Community?

We know that being in healthy communities brings us health. What practices build these communities? How can we stop churches becoming unhealthy?

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