St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Mary’s Hopes & Dreams for 2012 [#HD12]

Hopes & Dreams

Looking forwardI would love to see a few more ministries reaching into the community, led by people who are passionate about that particular people group or injustice that they see. Ministries that help transform the communities we are part of.

Over the last number of years, as a church, we have sown into the community with various outreaches. In my imagination I dream that people start to trickle in, reminding us of the first time they came into contact with the church. Let it be Lord!

Finally, that as part of the body of Christ in Salford, we stay close to the Spirit who would want to continue to breathe new life and longing into our souls…


To continue living close in the darker moments of life, let’s do it together!

Don’t forget to come to our Prayer and Worship Meetings on Saturday 7th January and Thursday 12th January at church, 7:30pm, where we can share anything we feel God is saying and to seek God for the year ahead.

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