St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

May at Salford Elim Church

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Weekend away

Our church weekend away is from Friday 9th – Sunday 11th May. Hopefully if you are coming along you have given your names to Jo Northall – if not do so NOW! If this is your first time with us, these are the things you need to know.

You need to bring:

  1. Pillow cases, duvet covers, a sheet or if you have one a sleeping bag. The beds are all singles.
  2. Towels
  3. Coffee, tea, milk, snacks, etc. There is a shop onsite, but you might find it easier to have your own stuff. We want people to be sensible and sensitive about this, but you can bring wine etc. if you want to relax in the evenings. But please remember that some people have had a difficult past with alcohol – so be aware of that. We don’t want to be embarrassed about it, neither do we want to shout about it!
  4. Bring a Bible – or if you prefer, your phone with a Bible on it!

The rooms will be available from 5pm onwards. The evening meal on Friday is from 8.00 – 9.00 onwards.

We will be joined by Antony Billington, a great Bible teacher who works with Neil at LICC. He will be with us on Friday evening and Saturday until lunchtime.

We will have worship and teaching sessions in the mornings, and on Saturday afternoon there are a number of activities that we will be involved with. There will be outdoor games, walks, a chance just to relax, or to go into one of the nearby towns. On Saturday evening we will use the cinema for a film, and then see the end of the day together around the fire pit. We might even sing some Beatles songs!

Sunday morning will be a mix of times of worship, reflection, and prayer.

There will be NO SERVICE at church that day.

Next sermon series

From 18th May onwards, we will be beginning a new sermon series, based on the book of Micah.

He was writing in the 8th century BC, to warn Israel that they were in danger of losing their land if they didn’t begin to live as a people who lived out God’s demands of justice.

We will look at the book, and remember that Jesus called his disciples to be the Salt of the Earth, and the Light on a Hill. There is something about God’s people that needs to be different – we need to demonstrate what lives that are being put together again look like for the sake of the world. If they don’t see it in us, how will they believe that it can be possible for wider change to happen.

It’s a warm, wild warning to the people of God – and every now and then we need to be reminded of how our lives need to reflect God’s heart for his world.

Church services

On the first Sunday of each month we now have TWO services.

The first is a short, more reflective service that begins at 9.30am. This is followed by an all-age service that begins at 10.30am. We want to encourage everyone to be able to come to at least one of these services.

Partners in Prayer

During May, we are partnering with Mount Chapel Christian Fellowship. They have recently had a change in leadership, Keith and Brittany, a couple from Kansas City, USA, are now part of the team and we would like to support them in prayer as they settle into their new role in a new country.

Do pray for them and use the prayer requests they have given, displayed on the notice board in church.

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