St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Grace – an introduction to our new series

Grace Intro

Grace is a thought that can change the world.

Well it is according to U2. But they just nicked the idea from Jesus.

Throughout autumn we will be looking at Luke’s gospel, trying to allow ourselves the space and time to be overwhelmed with God’s grace, and the grace we see around us.

It’s that wonderful, unearned, undeserved love that runs after us, then floors us with beauty and recreates all that’s damaged around us and in us. Only grace provides us with the space to be honest about our brokeness, open about our weaknesses, and hopeful about our futures.

And that’s what Jesus offered to so many different people: powerful people, and people that nobody noticed. He demonstrated it through his actions. He explored it in his stories. He confounded people through his teachings. Join us as we try to edge round this miracle offered to a grace-starved world.

We’ll be adding all the sermons here, and we’d love you to get involved in discussing them as we go through the series, so please feel free to add any thoughts or questions in the comments sections.

  1. Grace Offered (9/9/2012)
    A story that we know so well – a Good Samaritan that deserves his fame. But could a real world embrace radical grace?

There are also a couple of songs you might find helpful, as they reflect the theme of this series.



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