St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

February at Salford Elim

Sermons in February

From 31 Jan to 28 Feb we will be preaching from the book of Amos in the Old Testament.

This is what Eugene Peterson writes in his introduction to the book in The Message:

More people are exploited and abused in the cause of religion than in any other way. Religion is the most dangerous energy source known to humankind. The history of religion-fuelled hate, killing and oppression is staggering. The biblical prophets are in the frontline of those doing something about it. The biblical prophets continue to be the most powerful and effective voices ever heard on this earth for keeping religion honest, humble, and compassionate. Prophets see through hypocrisy, especially hypocrisy that assumes a religious pose. A spiritual life that doesn’t give a large place to the prophet-articulated justice will end up making us worse instead of better, separating us from God’s ways instead of drawing us into them.

So come and join us, and explore this book with us.

Getting involved

During January we spent time thinking about the significance of serving one another. If you want to be involved but are not sure where that might be or how you could use your gifts, then please talk with Neil, Mary or Ian. It’s also the case that we might be aware that some of you would like to see new areas open up – talk to us about that as well.

Easter 2016

Easter is quite early this year, so we thought we would pre-warn you about an outreach we will be doing in the week leading up to it. We’ll get some cards printed and delivered, asking people if they would like prayer for anything. We’ll also be setting up an e mail address for prayer requests, and we will offer a prayer space on Good Friday, in the church, for a couple of hours. Listen out for more details!

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