St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Fasting – a discipline of waiting

We don’t like waiting very much, do we? Living in an age where most things are instant: communication via the internet or mobile; on demand TV and films; credit from stores; banks; fast food. Increasingly we become less patient, and more irritable.

The season of advent is a time of waiting. We remember how the Jews waited so many years for the arrival of the Messiah; God’s anointed king, Jesus of Nazareth. For centuries the church has observed Advent as a time of preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth at Christmas. People fasted each week, sometimes up to five days a week.

Many Christians still fast during Lent in preparation for Easter. Why don’t you try fasting through Advent? Let the hunger be a physical reminder of your need for Jesus and a discipline of waiting.

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