St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Easter Prayer Week – Day 4

Luke 22:7-38

It’s like the worst family meal ever.

It’s been carefully arranged, thoughtfully presented, and has at the centre, one of the most moving moments imaginable, with a promise that is so rich that we would never come to the end of what it means: this is my body; this is my blood. And yet, in the midst of all this there is a squabble over power, a betrayal, an insight into personal failure and denial.

Could it get any worse?

The story is picking up steam. Everyone is confused, but Jesus is in control. His work will be accomplished in the middle of panic and failure. He is not fazed by this at all. He wasn’t then, he isn’t now.

You may be living in the middle of a mess at the moment, and some of it might be of your own making. Be encouraged. Jesus doesn’t walk away. He offers himself to you again: his body, his blood, his absolute commitment. He will never break that covenant with you.

Maybe today when you have some bread, drink something you will remember the words: take this bread, it is my body; take this cup, it is the new covenant (agreement) between us; and hear Jesus whisper: you are mine.

If you have a thought or reflection for this that you’d like to share, please leave a comment below.

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