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07771 558 058

Disappointed Parents

One of the many ways that Christians end up feeling guilty can depend on whether their children take an active interest in the Christian faith and decide to follow the way of Jesus as young people. I’ve met too many Christians, and particularly Christian leaders, who speak with more than regret, but guilt, that their child is exploring life, faith and meaning without just accepting all the values that they have grown up around.

We have been led to believe that if we do certain things, go to the right places, speak in the right way then children will automatically follow the Christian path. But life’s so much more complicated, and glorious than that. We believe in grace and a God who creates us with freedom, but who is committed to us and who longs for a relationship with us based on authenticity.

There was a great article printed this week that is good news reading for all parents: The Myth of the Perfect Parent.

Read it soon before the link changes so that only members will be able to read it.

But do read it!

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