This “Coming to the Cross” 24/2 prayer is about reflection; a space and time to come and remember again the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
It will also be a time for us to think about our church, think and pray over the different ministries we are a part of, and remember how the sacrifice of Jesus enables us to serve him better.
The “Coming to the Cross” 24/2 prayer will begin with a reflective more traditional service on the Wednesday evening, 31st March at 7.30pm.
The 24/2 will end with a service on the Friday the 2nd April at 7.30pm. At this service we will have a specific time of ministry; Ian Peacock will be leading us in worship.
Between these two services, the church will be available to be used by anyone who wants to pray & reflect, 24 hours a day. Please use the signup form below to let us know when you plan to come along to use this space.
It has been exciting to see how God is really moving amongst us as a church. We are expectant that He will meet with us during this time of prayer, and remind us again of His sacrifice of love for us.
Please note: Time slots highlighted in green are already booked; please try to book a different time if you are able to, so that we can get the best coverage over the two days.
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