St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

What You Need To Know (May 2023)

Some details of things that are happening over the next few weeks and months at Salford Elim Church.

Good News In The Season Of Storms: What Storms Reveal About Us

The story of Jonah is famous because of the whale.

But it’s actually about a man being brought face to face with his own religious and racial bigotry.

Sometimes only a crisis can make you realise what you need to face up to.

Good News In The Season Of Storms: What A Storm Offers

Storms come to all of us.

Without the storm Peter would have never had the chance to walk on water…

Easter: A Life Story

Easter: A Life Story

Jesus’ story is that death didn’t get the final word.

Life did. Resurrection life.

And his promise was that this new life is ours to share. Life always trumps death!

What You Need To Know (April 2023)

Some details of things that are happening over the next few weeks at Salford Elim Church.

Character That Changes The World: Growing Godly

Character That Changes The World: Growing Godly

The call to be as holy as God is holy sounds as odd now as it probably did when it was first written down in Leviticus.

Is this even possible? And what would it look like on the school run, or handling finances, or dealing with the awkward colleagues or aging family?

Character That Changes The World: I Couldn't Help It

Character That Changes The World: I Couldn’t Help It

Self-control is one of the most underrated virtues. We can excuse ourselves too easily when we give into the temptations that surround us so often.

How do we grow in self-control?

What You Need To Know (March 2023)

Some details of things that are happening over the next few weeks at Salford Elim Church, as well as some important dates for later in 2023…

Character That Changes The World: For Goodness Sake?

Character That Changes The World: For Goodness Sake?

Goodness can sound soft and prissy. No one wants to be called a goody-two shoes.

Unless you have faced the opposite and been the victim of evil.

Goodness is the authentic integrity that is creative and trustworthy.

It may not be glamorous but it makes all the difference in the world.

Character That Changes The World: Faith That Makes A Difference

Character That Changes The World: Faith That Makes A Difference

I believe lots of things that make no real difference to my day to day life.

New Testament faith is different. It was never a static acceptance but trust in a person who transformed everything.

Faith was dynamic.

And it was the bedrock for everything else that would be possible…

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