St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

What You Need To Know (October 2023)

Some details of things that are happening over the next few weeks and months at Salford Elim Church, as well as some other useful information.

We Are A Holy Nation

Holiness is designed to be lived out in the mess of normal relationships, not least our lives at home.

We Are A Royal Priesthood

What did priests do?

What does it mean to be a priest for our families, our friends and colleagues?

We Are Chosen

What did God choose us to do?

What does it mean to be a faithful presence in situations that are difficult?

Born Again To Live Again

Peter paints a rich picture of all that God has done for us, so that we can live consistently in all our different situations in life.

We are born again to live again…

What You Need To Know (September 2023)

Some details of things that are happening over the next few weeks and months at Salford Elim Church, as well as some other useful information.

We Have Different Weaknesses

How do we care for one another so that all our weaknesses are covered?

We Should Be Different

The early church had to navigate all the challenges of being small communities who came from different backgrounds.

What were these differences and how did they manage the tensions and turn them to strengths?

We Should Be United

The earliest Christians demonstrated their unity when they ate meals together.

It would have been shocking to those who watched on.

The meal that carried the memory of Jesus’ last meal was the most powerful of all.

What You Need To Know (July & August 2023)

Some details of things that are happening over the next few weeks and months at Salford Elim Church and some other useful information for you.

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