St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Hope Is Born

Jesus is the one who is the ground of all our hope.

Because he was born, we can sing.

Candlelit Carol Service

Watch our joint Candlelit Carol Service, an evening of carols and candlelight, as we retell the brilliant Christmas story.

Hope Beyond Darkness

The Darkness has never overcome the light.

What difference can that make in our lives?

Hope Beyond Death

What happens when we die?

What are our hopes for those who have already died?

What is our ultimate hope?

What You Need To Know (December 2023)

Details of what’s going on at Salford Elim Church over the next few weeks, and also into 2024…

The Wisdom Of Forgiveness

Forgiveness can help us to make sense of our past.

It enables us to release the things that hold us prisoner and lets us write a different future.

The Wisdom Of Peace

On Remembrance Sunday we recall those who went through the awfulness of war in years gone by, and pray for those caught up in it today.

How can we practise the wisdom of peace-making when there are so many conflicts around us?

What hope does Jesus bring?

The Wisdom Of Ageing

How do we honour elderly parents at the same time as we ensure that we age well – flexible in outlook, gracious in judgment, loving to all?

What You Need To Know (November 2023)

Some details of things that are happening over the next few weeks and months at Salford Elim Church, as well as some other useful information.

Suffering: Resilience, Resistance and Restoration

The Christians that Peter wrote to were beginning to face the social stigma of being known as Jesus followers.

They are helped to see how to build resilience and how to resist the pressures they were facing, but also how the promise of God’s restoration could change everything.

These 3 Rs are still the way we can navigate the tough periods of our lives.

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