St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
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Author: Neil Hudson

Mentoring: The Promise of Relational Leadership

  Mentoring is one of the concepts that has often been bandied around, but probably talked about more than practised. Wright explains how mentors focus on helping us become who we want to be, not what we want to do. Being a mentor is someone who is given the responsibility to help to develop someone…
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Indelible Ink

This is a straightforward idea that works well. 22 Christian writers reveal the books that have had the most influence on them. People such as Joni Eareckson Tada, John Stott, Michael Card, JI Packer, Luis Palau etc encourage you by their enthusiasm to go back to the classics. The writer mentioned most often is, unsurprisingly,…
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Healing and Suffering

For Pentecostals, the expectation that healing should be part of our experience of God is at the heart of our faith. Many of us can testify that God does remarkable things with people, transforming situations by healing those who are sick. However, we also know the pain of seeing the unhealed and having to engage…
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The Gospel-Driven Church

Ian Stackhouse is the pastoral leader at Guildford Baptist Church, a church with a rich history in the charismatic renewal. This is significant, because from within that tradition Stackhouse has written a book that takes on some of the central weaknesses of Pentecostal-Charismatic churches. Speaking as an insider, he sees things clearly and is clear…
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Faith and Psychology

Psychology was once seen as the enemy to faith, but those days have passed. For all who are leading, preaching and ministering generally we need to recognise the way that our communication, approach and expectations will depend on our psychological make-up and that of those we are with. Leslie Francis, an Anglican priest and a…
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The Other Side of the Good News

Larry Dixon, an American lecturer in theology, has written a comprehensive defence of the traditional belief in the conscious eternal punishment of the unbeliever in hell. This doctrine has been discussed amongst evangelicals in recent years and Dixon interacts with some of the most notable revisionists. The book quotes from a wide range of authors…
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Divorce and Remarriage in the Church

Many of the books written about marriage and divorce seem to only deal with the few texts in the New Testament and seem to be unable to take into account some of the tragedies that surround the state of marriages today. This book, based on Old Testament teaching as well as the New Testament writings,…
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The Power of Proclamation

This small book reprises one of Derek Prince’s major ministry themes. He believes that the actual words of the Bible have a power to transform situations when they are memorised and repeated out loud. This rests on the underlying belief that words have the power to change situations, whether of lack, defeat or sadness and…
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Designers of the Future

This is a balanced book that takes seriously the Biblical teaching about being created in the image of God and the fact that we have the technology to engage in stem cell research and cloning. Jones, a New Zealand professor, believes that serious Christian thinking has to be done in the midst of these medical…
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Christians, Muslims, and Islamic Rage

The past two years have seen an unprecedented amount of new literature appearing about Islam, particularly examining the terrorism associated with some of the Islamic groups. In spite of this, many opinions are formed on flimsy foundations. We are affected by the latest items on the news rather than understanding the bigger picture. Catherwood has…
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