St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Praying Beyond The Sick List

Prayer’s something lost of us need to practice a bit harder!   We can be sure that God hears, it’s just that we are not always certain what to ask.  I came across an article that I found helpful.  It suggests that: Sometimes we ask God to change our circumstances—heal the sick, give us daily…
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A Thought About The General Election

How do we engage with elections and politics as Christians? What does the Bible say about politics? How should we pray about elections?

What’s So Real About Reality?

It was 1998 and one of the major films of the year was ‘The Truman Show’. A poignant, light-hearted look at a man trapped in a world that he thought was absolutely authentic, but which turned out to be a giant TV set, with the rest of the world watching on. Watching him living his…
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Resurrection Matters

The resurrection of Jesus is the basis of the Christian faith. Paul seems to be clear that if we don’t or won’t or can’t believe this, then everything else about Christianity will start to unravel. We’ve begun preaching and reflecting on 1 Corinthians 15 – a long chapter in which Paul untangles the wonky ideas…
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What Sort Of Church Does Paul Expect?

This sermon from this Sunday, ‘What Sort Of Church Does Paul Expect?’, looks at 1 Corinthians 14 in the widest sense. To get a decent overview of the chapter, either listen to the sermon from January 2008 (see below) where we looked at the whole chapter, or read this web page. It does a good job…
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What’s Love Got To Do With It?

The PowerPoint slides available below, relate to the sermon this Sunday on Love, which is available to download via our Podcast. Hope it helps to give you a flavour of the event itself. Download the 1 Corinthians 13 PowerPoint slides.

Radio Manchester 7 Feb 2010

Am I the only one who struggles to get through these dark months, and long for the longer days, the chance of sun and a sense of waking up from enforced hibernation. Snow’s fun, but when it returned on Wednesday was I the only one who thought it was getting a bit

You’re The Gift

It’s ok to talk about the gifts of the Spirit, but how do you know how God has gifted you and how to use those gifts? One of the helpful ways of coming to terms with this looks at when you feel most fulfilled and what fruit you leave behind with other people when you…
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Up in the Air

I went to see ‘Up in the Air’ recently with the very suave George Clooney. He’s a man without roots – no family responsibilities (that he accepts), no house to maintain (he has an empty flat), just a man permanently on the move going to the head of every check in desk in the airports,…
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Disappointed Parents

One of the many ways that Christians end up feeling guilty can depend on whether their children take an active interest in the Christian faith and decide to follow the way of Jesus as young people. I’ve met too many Christians, and particularly Christian leaders, who speak with more than regret, but guilt, that their child…
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